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End of Life Solutions

Pawspice (Hospice Care for Pets)

Tailored regimen of drugs, supplements, herbal therapies, diets, physical therapy, acupuncture, carts, slings, orthopedic beds—there are a lot of options to help make your pet’s limited time more comfortable. Pawspice care is a valid option when it will preserve your pet’s quality of life.

Quality of Life

The goal of any Pawspice care is to give your pet more good days than bad. All animals have the right to be free from Hunger, Pain, Excessive Hot/Cold, Dehydration, and Fear. They should still enjoy you and vice versa. We would be happy to schedule a quality of life visit with you and your pet to determine what we can do to increase your pet’s quality and quantity of life.

In-Home Euthanasia

Please Note: HPMV performs euthanasia for current patients who have an unmanageable disease or those with little quality of life remaining. We reserve the right to refuse euthanasia if we feel it is being chosen as a convenience option (e.g. I want a new pet; I’m having a baby; It was my parent’s pet and I don’t want it; It’s just old; etc.). Quality of Life examinations will be performed on all new patients prior to euthanasia. We typically do not euthanize new patients on the same day as their initial visit because it does not allow us time to perform any necessary laboratory testing and see results from any treatment plans.

We will not euthanize a patient with a manageable or treatable disease (e.g. arthritis, blindness, deafness, untreated diarrhea, untreated renal disease, etc.). If we determine that it is not time to euthanize your pet, a house call fee and quality of life examination charge will be assessed. We are always happy to refer you to another hospital as well if you are bound and determined to have the procedure done. We believe there is a difference between euthanizing to relieve unmanageable suffering versus killing.

Euthanasia is both a blessing and a burden. For most people, it is one of the most difficult decisions they will face for their pets. If the quality of your pet’s life has diminished so that you are experiencing more bad days than good, and there is nothing else that may be reasonably tried, then it may be time to consider easing your pet’s suffering. Healthy Pet Mobile Vet will sedate your pet in its favorite location, allowing you time to say goodbye. After the sedative has taken effect, we will administer the final injection while you caress and hold your pet. We can also prepare final arrangements for your pet, if requested.

Contact Information


Toll Free:
888-644-PETS (7387)


Postal address:
PO BOX 0628, New Market, MD, 21774-0628
